Absolutely, I can help guide you through this.
Firstly, to ensure that your hardware is compatible with Windows 11 Pro, Microsoft provides a PC Health Check tool. You can find and download this from their official website. It's pretty straightforward – once downloaded and run, it will inform you if your system meets the criteria necessary for running Windows 11 Pro.
Regarding the installation from a DVD, you’ll want to ensure your BIOS is setup to boot from your optical drive first. This can usually be adjusted in your BIOS settings (often accessed by pressing keys like F2, F10, or DEL right when your system turns on).
Once you’ve set your system to boot from DVD, method the Windows 11 DVD in your drive and restart your computer. You should see instructions on-screen prompting you through the setup process. It’s mostly about following the on-screen steps from there – choosing your language, time, and keyboard preferences, then proceeding with the install.
One key tip would be to ensure all your important data is backed up before starting the installation process. Sometimes, if things don't go as planned, having a backup can save your day.
Potential issues might arise around driver compatibility or missing runtime software depending on what applications you plan to use. Windows 11 Pro is designed to auto-detect and manage much of this, but it's good to prepare for manual updates, just in case.
All the best with your new installation!